Annanda Mushroom Forum - Mushroom Blog — cure for cancer

Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the Cause of Cancer back in 1931

Posted by Blair Kovacs on

Dr. Otto Warburg was the man who discovered the cause of cancer, he was awarded the nobel prize in 1931 for his work. Initially it was my understanding that he discovered cancer but he actually discovered the cause which in my opinion is even more valuable than discovering cancer. Many people have recognized a problem, a disease, a tumorous lump growing on someone and labeling it a disease. The cause of that disease is even more important and relevant than the disease itself if you want to do something about it. His work came to be known as the “Warburg...

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Johanna Budwig - cancer cause and cure halt and cure cancer

Posted by Blair Kovacs on

In 1951 Johanna Budwig, one of Germany's leading scientists, discovered flax seed oil with low fat cottage cheese, a raw organic diet, mild exercise, and the healing powers of the sun can not only halt but cure Cancer. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) who was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times was one of Germany's leading scientists of the 20th Century, a biochemist and Cancer specialist with a special interest in essential fats. Otto Warburg proved that prime cause of cancer oxygen-deficiency in the cells. In absence of oxygen cells ferment glucose to produce energy, lactic acid is formed as a...

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